Community Logo
Goals Logo

The Goals of the Program

  • Providing an opportunity for businesses, professionals, industries, and community organizations to participate actively in the education of WPCSD students by contributing time, personnel, experience, and resources.
  • Providing an opportunity for WPCSD students and personnel to offer volunteer services to businesses, professionals, industries, and community organizations,
  • Fostering a better understanding of WPCSD schools.
  • Giving students and teachers a reaslistic picture of the business and professional world.
Benefits Logo

Bright Horizons' Benefits

To the students:
Incentives to stay in school
Improved self-image
Successful role models
Increased sense of community


To the partner:

Satisfaction of contributing directly to education
Pleasure of working with students and teachers
A vehicle for meaningful community service

To the teacher:   

Increased advocacy for education
Recognition and morale boost
Additional resources for academics


To the community:

A stronger school system
Better-prepared students
Increased sense of cooperation
More attractive to new business/residents
Partner Logo

Why Partner with a School?

It's an investment in fthe future of children and the future of the community.  Through the development of caring relationships, partnerships can...

  • Increase student achievement and motivation.
  • Encourage and enable teachers.
  • Provide joint community services.
  • Build positive images of participants.